For HR

HR Overview

HR (Human Resource) in SPPAS refers to person or group of persons who are in charge of the appraisal process. These individuals are part of a SharePoint group called HR. They are responsible for the following: Start a review process by creating a template. They indicate when a review starts and when a review ends. […]

Appraisers Management

Appraisers are individuals who do the actual assessment. HR must add these individuals in order for them to be able to do the appraisals. Add an Appraiser Delete an Appraiser Manage Appraisers Team Members HR can view and delete employees that an Assessor has added as a team member.

Tasks Management

Tasks are assigned to individuals that need to be completed as part of the appraisal process. An email will be sent to anyone responsible for completing the task. The action that you perform or the information that you provide to complete a workflow task varies depending on the role you play as part of the […]

HR Template Management

An appraisal template is a reusable collection of performance objectives and other settings for a performance review period. In other words, template serves as a starting point for a new performance review. Appraisal templates enables you to create an appraisal template that can then be used to create appraisals. A performance review starts with the […]

PIPs Management

When a report of poor performance is made at the end of a review period, HR can start a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a process that gives an employee with performance deficiencies the opportunity to improve. Performance Improvements Plans must be for a short term, as a corrective measure […]

Appraisals Management

The appraisal page shows all the appraisals that have been created in your tenant. When an appraisal is created by Appraisers for their team members, they will appear on the appraisal page. The Appraisals page can be accessed by going to Admin > Appraisals. As a HR, you can perform the following actions at the […]